1. What is tallow and why is it used in skincare products?

    • Tallow is a form of rendered fat, traditionally obtained from cows or sheep. It's used in skincare for its high concentration of vitamins A, D, E, and K, and its compatibility with our skin's natural biology, making it deeply nourishing and moisturizing.
  2. How is tallow-based moisturizer different from synthetic moisturizers?

    • Tallow moisturizers are natural and typically contain fewer ingredients than synthetic ones. They mimic the natural oils in human skin, offering deep hydration and nutrient-rich care without the presence of artificial chemicals or preservatives.
  3. Are tallow products suitable for all skin types?

    • Tallow is generally suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin. However, everyone's skin is different, so we recommend patch testing any new product before full application, especially for individuals with known allergies or skin conditions.
  4. How do I use tallow moisturizer effectively?

    • Apply a small amount to clean, slightly damp skin. Tallow absorbs best when the skin is still moist. Gently massage it into your skin until fully absorbed. Use sparingly – a little goes a long way!
  5. Can tallow moisturizers cause skin breakouts?

    • While tallow is non-comedogenic and unlikely to clog pores, individual reactions vary. If you have acne-prone or very sensitive skin, start with a small amount to see how your skin reacts.
  6. Will tallow moisturizers feel greasy on my skin?

    • Quality tallow moisturizers should absorb well into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. Give it a little time be deeply absorbed by your skin. If you experience greasiness, you may be using too much tallow.
  7. What is the shelf life of a tallow-based moisturizer?

    • Our tallow moisturizers have a shelf life of approximately 6 to 12 months. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain their freshness and efficacy.
  8. Are your tallow products ethically sourced?

    • Yes, our tallow is ethically sourced from local farms that practice sustainable and humane farming methods.
  9. Can I use tallow moisturizers on my face and body?

    • Absolutely! Our tallow moisturizers are versatile and safe for both face and body application.
  10. Are there any synthetic fragrances or colors added to your products?

    • No, we do not add synthetic fragrances or colors to our products. Any scents or colors come from natural ingredients, like essential oils or herbal extracts.